Now I would like to end this matter once and for all.
That is in your hands.
Tell me more about yourself your background and your job. Again you are
playing save. Not telling specific detaills about yourself but mainly
about others in this group.
Playing safe? Yes, to a degree. Revealing personal information about
myself and my job is unnecessary and, given the frequency of the
'alternatively sane' here on the Internet, is also potentially dangerous.
I would say the same applies to everyone, and I am often surprised by just
how many people are willing to make free with their personal details, and
how many people view a prudent caution with those details as evidence of
dishonesty. What I need to reveal I have revealed. Otherwise I leave it
to you decide, as you clearly have, who and what you think I am.
The complaint of anonymity is, of course, a red herring in any case. What
is the benefit to you to know who I am and what I do? "Hello, my name's
Midwinter, I live in such-a-place, I work as whatever, I'm not married, I
have no pets and blah blah blah". All of which changes nothing about my
views, because I know who I am - but it may of course change yours. If it
does, then I submit that what you're looking to do is draw your
conclusions about me personally rather than about my opinions. If you
agree with me, or disagree with me, my "A/S/L" shouldn't make any
difference - and certainly my job has absolutely no relevance here.
Instead I wish you would talk about God.
Why would I? For the purposes of this thread at least, God has nothing to
do with it as far as I'm concerned.
I thought so. That makes you a troll in our pristine Christian NGs.
there fore. These groups are for discussing religious subjects especially
the person whose name is prominent in every one of the group names above. So
kindly discuss Christ, or move on already, willya? Thanks.