Why would a "Christian" person try to destroy Christian Ngs
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Pastor Frank
20 years ago
I thought so. That makes you a troll in our pristine Christian NGs.
Please post to groups which reflect your interests, that's what they are
there fore. These groups are for discussing religious subjects especially
the person whose name is prominent in every one of the group names above. So
kindly discuss Christ, or move on already, willya? Thanks.
I will post you over to some groups which may reflect your interests
Pastor Frank
20 years ago
Again. Nothing "Christian" in this post. Please post non-Christian
material to non-Christian groups. Thanks.
20 years ago
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20 years ago
You are not the leader m oderator to set rules out!!!

You are now making yourself a communist!!!

You are continueing the christian soap and it starts more and more to be
funny one!!:):):):)
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Mark K. Bilbo
20 years ago
In our last episode
Post by Pastor Frank
I thought so. That makes you a troll in our pristine Christian NGs.
Don't want competition in the troll department Plastic Fake?
Mark K. Bilbo - a.a. #1423
EAC Department of Linguistic Subversion
Alt-atheism website at: http://www.alt-atheism.org
"Come to think of it, there are already a million
monkeys on a million typewriters, and the Usenet
is NOTHING like Shakespeare!" -- Blair Houghton
Pastor Frank
20 years ago
The only ones leaving are atheist refuting trolls. Praise the
Only one post away from this one, you instruct us that referencing is
necessary for debate. Then you flout your own rule by offering this
statement with no references to support it.
You are a hypocrite, Frank.
Are you saying atheist refuting trolls are staying? Please point them
out by quoting their intentions. Either that or go away already. "hypocrite"
indeed!!!! That's called flaming and belongs in flame groups. I will post
you over to some for your perusal.
Paul Erickson
20 years ago
On Mon, 16 May 2005 05:21:31 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
<***@christfirst.com> wrote:
Post by Pastor Frank
I thought so. That makes you a troll in our pristine Christian NGs.
Your Chistian groups have never been pristine.

Slobbering Skeleton
Fredric L. Rice
20 years ago
Post by Paul Erickson
On Mon, 16 May 2005 05:21:31 -0400, "Pastor Frank"
Post by Pastor Frank
I thought so. That makes you a troll in our pristine Christian NGs.
Your Chistian groups have never been pristine.
The whole notion that there are "Christian newsgroups" is amusingly stupid.

What's even more amusing is the notion that some cultists seem to expect
they can talk among themselves, building the myths and superstitions that
drive them, without any outsider dropping by to provide a little reason,
sanity, ridicule, and science.

I remember debunking some cultist in the alt.tarot newsgroup and in the
alt.astrology newsgroup, and then I was asked why I participate in them if
I don't share their occult superstitions. <heh> As if someone has to
be _for_ some idiot notion in order to debunk them in public, or something.

Man, a great many humans are jusr _broken_.

http://www.ElmerFudd.US/ http://www.notserver.com/
Scientology crooks: http://sf.irk.ru/www/ot3/otiii-gif.html
http://PerkinsTragedy.org http://www.rightard.org/
Oppose race hatred: http://www.skeptictank.org/nohate.htm